
Surveys in the Classroom, Blog Inspiration, and New Skills!

 Hi everyone!! Welcome back to my blog!!      This week's new concept was data collection through surveys! I think this is a super important part of teacher, as you constantly need feedback to know how to improve yourself to become the best version you can possibly be. Surveys in the classroom can be used to gain feedback from your students, or to even have class polls and votes on what the majority would like to do (for example: no homework Fridays!! Or which day should we have the test?) I will definitely be using surveys in my future classroom with my elementary school kids. I think I would like to teach second grade, so in this instance I would use surveys to have votes on what fun activities we can do on Fridays and what review games we can play to study for tests! I would definitely try my best to make it as fun as possible so everyone feels inclined to vote!     I have looked around a lot at other people's blogs and I absolutely love what everyone has done! I have seen s

Learning at a Distance: My Experience, Open Educational Resources, and Powerpoint Skills!

 Hi everyone!! Welcome back to this week's blog wrapping up what we went over in our eleventh week of class!     First and foremost: my experience as a distance learner has been interesting. In all honesty, I generally don't like distant learning, but it does have it's pros and cons, like anything else. With having all online classes, I do like not having to wake up two hours early just to get ready, eat breakfast, and make sure I walk to class in time. This past year, all I've had to do is just wake up 30 minutes to an hour before my first class and I'm good to go for the day. However, learning through my laptop has proved to be a challenge, but with each passing semester, it's seemingly slowly getting easier.  It's incredibly difficult to build relationships and connections with professors and peers, especially since I don't even know what half of my classmates' faces look like. If a pandemic to this degree were to happen again while I am a teacher

My New Website, Diigo, and Technology Trends in Education!

 Hi everyone, welcome back to my blog! Last week, we had an assignment creating a website, which I really enjoyed and had fun with! I have never created a website before so this was a really big learning experience for me. Since I love doing anything fun and artsy, this project was pretty simple for me to get used to once I learned where all the right buttons were. The only thing I disliked about using the website Weebly was that I couldn't figure out how to make a website from scratch so I had to use a template website, which they had a very limited choice range of. Otherwise, I really liked the interface and system that Weebly has, as I think it makes it very easy to make websites as a first time learner. I made my website based on a fourth grade class and I think the way I organized everything turned out really well! I think for sure in my teaching career, I will absolutely be using a website as a way to adapt to a very digital education experience, as it would be such a great w

Websites & Technology in Education

 Hi everyone! Welcome back to my blog!      To begin this week's blog, I wanted to start with talking about schools and teacher websites. For an example, I wanted to use my high school's website ( Sunlake High School ) as an example because I had to use a teacher's website to get class information, so I have firsthand experience with this. Although the website is not listed on the website anymore, given that I did use it about five years ago, but I found another teacher's website that I really liked, Webster Classroom , in which he showcases lots of different class information. On the website I noticed many different links, but most specifically on the from page a section that points out a Remind code, which I know allows the teacher to communicate with students and remind them of due dates and update them on any last minute changes they need to know before the next class (I used this a lot throughout high school). I also noticed a tab at the top of the page specifying

My Experiences with Diigo, Web 2.0, & Blogging!

 Hi everyone!! Welcome back to my blog! This week, we talked more about Diigo and Web 2.0.      To be honest, Diigo was a little confusing to me. I don't normally use websites like Diigo, so I really had to pay attention to the tutorial videos to get it. The layout of Diigo and how it had to be used was a bit overwhelming to me, just because the layout had a lot of different colors highlighting different links and tab, as well as just having a lot going on all around the website. The font itself was also just really small and it was just kind of hard for me to use... I do really like the concept of it though. It does seem to be a really helpful tool for educators to share their tools and resources for their colleagues to use in their classrooms. Personally, I don't really know if I will really be using this that much, just because it has a bit of an overwhelming layout and interface.      Now onto my experience with blogging: I really like it! I really like to do assignments th

Taking on the Digital Divide Challenge & Using Academic Software

Hi everyone!! Welcome back to my weekly blog! For this week's blog, I wanted to start off by talking about my Twitter experience. I have been using Twitter for quite some time now, and honestly, I have used it mostly to look at memes, funny tweets, and keeping up with my favorite celebrities. However, Twitter has come to be useful for school in so many different ways. The first time I ever used Twitter for school was my junior year of high school. Two of my teachers, my AP United States History teacher and my AP Psychology teacher, both used it frequently throughout the years to keep us updated on upcoming class assignments, reminders for tests, or just to tell us a funny joke to lift our spirits. I always found it a good way to keep in touch with my teachers because they were always willing to help us after school hours if we really needed it; sometimes we would have a question about the upcoming test and they would help us out with that. They found a great balance between using T

Florida ELA Standards, CPALMS, & Internet Searching!

 Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog! <3 This week in class, we went over ELA standards in Florida and CPALMS.      To look at ELA standards more in depth, I decided to look into second grade ELA standards. I have always wanted to teach elementary school, so getting a glimpse of what I should be expecting to see as a teacher is important. Out of the long list of second grade ELA standards, I chose the standard  LAFS.2.L.3.4 . This standard describes how students will be able to determine the meanings of unknown words and use multiple-meaning words & phrases in the correct context. Sub-standards of this also include using sentences as context to determine the meaning of the word, know how the meaning of a word has changed when a prefix is added, use root words as clues, figure out what compound words mean by breaking them down, and learn  definitions  by utilizing dictionaries and  glossaries . To be honest, I am not too sure I am completely ready to implement this standard b